Things to check when you Choose an Email Hosting Service Provider

An email hosting services provider can make your task of managing huge volumes of emails far simpler. If you decide to sign up for corporate email hosting solutions, you can enjoy many choices. You should ideally take into account some important parameters before you sign up with an email hosting services provider. When you choose to maintain your business emails in-house, you will need to handle and monitor in-house mail servers. You will also need to recruit and maintain IT teams to maintain these servers. This includes costs of software licensing, hardware, storage, network capacity and backups, as well as labor costs. These turn out to be huge expenses for any company and this is why businesses prefer to sign up with a reputed email hosting services provider.

Why do you need an email hosting services provider?

A hosted service will relieve you of the costs of buying hardware and software. You can get started easily and you will not be forced to deal with in-house server challenges. The provider will have effective backup provisions in place to minimize chances of data loss and downtimes.

1- Your first task is to locate a provider which can cater to your specific business needs. Since there are too many options available, it may be difficult for you to choose the right provider. You have to evaluate your existing and future business requirements before you sign up. While there are many free email hosting services like Gmail or Yahoo, you will find that these may not be able to guarantee your business comprehensive security. They may offer ample storage for individual needs but you can be faced with sudden downtimes. Since the services are free of cost, there will be no contracts but there may be advertisements. You will also not be able to enjoy your own domain name in the address. Without this, your business lacks credibility. A paid service, on the other hand, will not only offer you an address having your domain name, it will also guarantee better cloud storage, shared calendars, email synchronization tools etc.

2- You need to understand the size of your business and the number of users you cater to before you choose a provider. It is important to assess the quantity of data you are storing currently and whether you will migrate this data when you change a provider.

3- Before choosing an email hosting services provider, you must also analyze the features your IT teams need such as data protection features, shared calendars and other specific security provisions.

4- You must also consider your budget before you sign up with any email hosting service. For smaller businesses, signing up for free services makes sense but for the larger and medium sized businesses, professional hosting solutions are recommended.

5- You need to choose a provider that can give you updated software. They should also be open to offering migration services if required. You need to check whether the services will get disrupted when it is being installed. You must also check for hidden fees if any, such as migration fees or charges per mailbox etc. Finally, you must check whether your hosting provider is offering email archiving facilities.

Go4hosting understanding how indubitable is for businesses to stay available for their users, go4hosting ensure99.95% guaranteed network availability for critical business website(s) & application(s). Being a carrier neutral facility, we allow companies to switch to their preferred network without experiencing any downtime can call us at:- 1800-212-2022. or mail us at:-

You Can Also Find India’s top Email Hosting providers Here:- Top 10 Email Service Providers in India



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